
Jaw osteonecrosis is, in most cases, caused by external irradiation. It is otherwise a rare occurrence. A 52-year-old patient was referred to this hospital for several tooth extractions. In the procedure follow-up, the external aspect of the mandible was more and more exposed. This led to the spontaneous loss of a voluminous bone fragment. The patient had never undergone radiotherapy or a course of bisphosphonates but had a long-term cardio-vascular history. He had undergone endarterectomy of both carotids, an ilio-femoral by-pass, and a coronary dilatation. The diagnosis of bone infarction on a chronic osteomyelitis was made. Blood coagulation disorders are responsible for most cases of bone infarction. Other risk factors include local trauma, chemotherapy, corticoids, and bisphosphonates. Necrosis of the jawbones is rare even though these are prone to trauma and infections. Symptoms are not specific and imaging is contributive late in the evolution. The results of medical treatment (antibiotherapy, vasodilators, and hyperbaric oxygenotherapy) and surgical debridement are very inconsistent.

Magremanne, Dufrasne, Vervaet, Daelemans, Legrand, , , , (2007). [Avascular mandibular necrosis]. Revue de stomatologie et de chirurgie maxillo-faciale, 2007 Dec;108(6):539-42. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17900641