Abstract: Malignancies of the head and neck are not uncommon in the Far East due to the habit of betel-nut chewing. The development of a second primary neoplasm is a constant fear for those who have had successful treatment of a primary cancer. A total of 82 patients,...
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) Research for Carcinoma.
Hyperbaric oxygen as a treatment for malabsorption in a radiation-damaged short bowel.
Abstract: Radiation enteritis can be challenging to diagnose and treat. We report the case of a 44-year-old woman who was diagnosed with a squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix in 1978 and treated with hysterectomy and post-operative radiotherapy. Over the next 20...
A pilot study with long term follow up of hyperbaric oxygen pretreatment in patients with locally advanced breast cancer undergoing neo-adjuvant chemotherapy.
Abstract: Work in an animal cancer model suggests that pretreatment with hyperbaric oxygen can improve tumor vascularity rendering chemotherapy more effective. Accordingly 32 subjects with locally advanced breast carcinoma (>5cm diameter) entered into a randomized...
Osteoradionecrosis of the cervical spine resulting from radiotherapy for primary head and neck malignancies: operative and nonoperative management. Case report.
Abstract: Osteoradionecrosis is a process of dysvascular bone necrosis and fibrous replacement following exposure to high doses of radiation. The poorly vascularized necrotic tissue may cause pain and/or instability, and it cannot resist infection well, which may...
Hyperbaric oxygen inhibits benign and malignant human mammary epithelial cell proliferation.
Abstract: Hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) therapy is the administration of 100%-inhaled oxygen to patients at increased atmospheric pressure. We used an in vitro model to examine the effects of HBO on mammary cell proliferation. Normal mammary epithelia, primary tumor...
Treatment of a radiation-induced rectal ulcer with hyperbaric oxygen therapy in a man with prostate cancer.
Abstract: Late radiation proctopathy is a painful and vexing complication of prostate radiation. We report a case of a 55-year-old man with prostate cancer, and complaints of tenesmus and severe rectal pain after radiation therapy. The patient was diagnosed with a...
Surgical treatment of pharyngostomes in irradiated patients. Our experience with musculocutaneous pectoralis major flap and hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
Abstract: Our experience confirms that pectoralis major flap is the first-choice technique for repairing recurrent hypopharyngeal fistulae in previously irradiated patients in whom microsurgical techniques are not indicated, and that hyperbaric oxygen therapy helps to...
The treatment of osteoradionecrosis of the mandible: the case for hyperbaric oxygen and bone graft reconstruction.
Abstract: Peleg, Lopez, , , , , , , (2006). The treatment of osteoradionecrosis of the mandible: the case for hyperbaric oxygen and bone graft reconstruction. Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery : official journal of the American Association of Oral and...
Early enteral feeding compared with parenteral nutrition after oesophageal or oesophagogastric resection and reconstruction.
Abstract: After resective and reconstructive surgery in the gastrointestinal tract, oral feeding is traditionally avoided in order to minimize strain to the anastomoses and to reduce the inherent risks of the postoperatively impaired gastrointestinal motility....