Abstract: Cervical necrotizing fasciitis is a serious, rapidly progressive infection along fascia planes that sometimes involves skin, subcutaneous tissue and muscle (myositis). The condition, often of dental or pharyngeal origin, is associated with high morbidity and...
Necrotizing Fasciitis
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) Research for Necrotizing Fasciitis
The story of hyperbaric oxygen continues.
Abstract: Fry, , , , , , , , (2005). The story of hyperbaric oxygen continues. American journal of surgery, 2005 Apr;189(4):467-8. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15820463
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in orthopedic conditions.
Abstract: As is well known, the origins and development of hyperbaric medicine are closely tied to the history of diving medicine. Our HBO2 studies stemming from diving medicine date back to 1972. We concentrated our early basic research on dysbaric osteonecrosis....
Necrotizing fasciitis: a dramatic surgical emergency.
Abstract: Necrotizing fasciitis is a challenging and potentially lethal disease; early diagnosis is of paramount importance and aggressive multidisciplinary treatment is mandatory. Overall mortality rates of 33-73% have been reported. The aim of this study was to...
Diagnosing and treating diabetic foot infections.
Abstract: Foot infections are a common, complex and costly complication of diabetes. We have made considerable progress in establishing consensus definitions for defining infection. Similarly, we have learned much about the appropriate ways to diagnose both soft...
Hyperbaric oxygen as adjuvant therapy in the management of necrotizing fasciitis.
Abstract: Necrotizing fasciitis (NF) is an uncommon but serious infection of fascia and skin associated with considerable morbidity and mortality. One modality proposed for improving the outcome of this condition is hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy. This is a form of...
The effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on the bout of treatment for soft tissue infections.
Abstract: Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy is often combined with antibiotic therapy for infections such as gas gangrene and osteomyelitis. Although numerous investigations have been undertaken to assess the effect of adjunctive HBO therapy on the treatment of...
[Perineal necrotizing cellulitis disclosing rectal adenocarcinoma].
Abstract: We report one case of rectal cancer disclosed by a perineal cellulitis in a diabetic woman. This infrequent association has a bad prognosis. Diagnosis is mainly clinical. Treatment is urgent with large spectrum antibiotic therapy, surgical debridement,...
[Therapeutic management of necrotizing neck infections].
Abstract: Necrotizing neck infections are uncommon soft-tissue infections, usually caused by virulent, toxin producing bacteria. Necrotizing fasciitis represents a special form of necrotizing soft tissue infection with a mortality rate of up to 76% even though...