Necrotizing Fasciitis

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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) Research for Necrotizing Fasciitis

[Cervical necrotizing fasciitis].

Abstract: Necrotizing fasciitis is a severe fatal soft tissue infection characterized by necrosis of fascia. It was caused by polymicrobial infections with aerobe and anaerobe. Although it commonly involved abdomen, extremities and perineum, it might also occur in...

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Necrotizing fasciitis. A perioperative case study.

Abstract: NF involves rapidly spreading inflammation with necrosis of superficial fascia, fat, and possibly muscle and epidermis. Severe systemic toxicity can be associated with NF and mortality rates can reach 74% with this so called flesh eating disease. Treatment...

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Hyperbaric oxygen in trauma and surgical emergencies.

Abstract: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO), that is the administration of 100% oxygen delivered under pressure, has a beneficial effect in several surgical conditions. Its use has been assessed and audited and its pharmacological effects demonstrated. It is appropriate...

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