Abstract: Machado-Joseph disease is a form of progressive spino-cerebellar ataxia with both bulbar and peripheral neurological manifestations. To date, anesthesia for patients affected by this disease has not been described. General anesthesia may be problematic...
Peripheral Neuropathy
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) Research for Peripheral Neuropathy
Effectiveness of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the treatment of complex regional pain syndrome.
Abstract: In this double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study we aimed to assess the effectiveness of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy for treating patients with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). Of the 71 patients, 37 were allocated to the HBO group and 34...
Effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on nerve regeneration in early diabetes.
Abstract: Nerve regeneration in diabetes is essential for reversal of neuropathy as well as the recovery of nerves from injury due to acute nerve compression and entrapment. Endoneural hypoxia due to hyperglycemia-induced blood flow reductions is observed early in the...
Hyperbaric oxygen in the treatment of fecal incontinence secondary to pudendal neuropathy.
Abstract: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has several physiologic effects on damaged nerves in animal models, which lead to an improvement in neurologic function. Idiopathic fecal incontinence secondary to pudendal neuropathy is usually treated with biofeedback, which shows...
[Dibucaine for spinal anesthesia is a probable risk for cauda equina syndrome].
Abstract: A 64-year-old man was scheduled for transure thral resection of the prostate. The patient's medical history showed borderline diabetic state and two uncomplicated surgeries under spinal anesthesia. Spinal anesthesia was performed at the L 3/4 interspace...
The effect of hyperbaric oxygen treatment on early regeneration of sensory axons after nerve crush in the rat.
Abstract: Abstract The effect of hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBO) on sensory axon regeneration was examined in the rat. The sciatic nerve was crushed in both legs. In addition, the distal stump of the sural nerve on one side was made acellular and its blood perfusion...
Functional evaluation after rat sciatic nerve injury followed by hyperbaric oxygen treatment.
Abstract: Previous experimental studies have shown positive effects of hyperbaric oxygen treatment in the early regeneration phase in the first few days following a nerve injury. In this study, functional effects of hyperbaric oxygen treatment were studied in 2 series...
Subdural spinal granuloma resulting from Candida albicans without immunosufficiency: case report.
Abstract: This was a case of spinal subdural granuloma of Candida albicans. A high cerebrospinal fluid protein level without pleocytosis (albuminocytologic dissociation) was observed. This case proved difficult to diagnose and treat. To clarify the important issues in...
Post-traumatic reflex sympathetic dystrophy in the ankle and foot: a study of 32 cases.
Abstract: The etiopathogenesis of reflex sympathetic dystrophy is still undefined, and diagnosis and treatment are difficult. It is the purpose of this study to propose precise diagnostic and therapeutic criteria for post-traumatic reflex sympathetic dystrophy of the...