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Prevalence and Perceived Health Associated with Insomnia Based on DSM-IV-TR

Although several diagnostic systems define insomnia, little is known about the implications of using one versus another of them. The America Insomnia Survey, an epidemiological survey of managed health care plan subscribers (n = 10,094), assessed insomnia with the Brief Insomnia Questionnaire, a clinically validated scale generating diagnoses according to DSM-IV-TR; International Statistical Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10); and Research Diagnostic Criteria/International Classification of Sleep Disorders, Second Edition (RDC/ICSD-2) criteria.

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Oxidative stress in patients with primary insomn

Oxidative stress in patients with primary insomn

Abstract Objective: Many physiological and pathological processes, such as infections, environmental toxins, and ionizing radiation increase bodily concentrations of oxidizing substances, known as free radicals, which lead to neurodegenerative disorders. Sleep is one...

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