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News about Extivita

During NC Phase 1 COVID-19 Re-Opening

During NC Phase 1 COVID-19 Re-Opening

COVID-19 Update - Extivita-RTP REMAINS 5 DAYS/WEEK and continue to serve all of our patients with dive times offered throughout the day. As North Carolina enters Phase 1 of re-opening today, we continue to comply with CDC infection control recommendations: Spacing of...

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Minimize Loss of Life From COVID-19 with HBOT

Minimize Loss of Life From COVID-19 with HBOT

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) can destroy harmful bacteria and viruses, while enhancing the body’s natural defenses. We propose HBOT for high risk, early stage COVID-19 patients, recommending this novel use of pressure and oxygen based on its low risk and...

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Extivita, HBOT, & Covid-19

Extivita, HBOT, & Covid-19

As you probably know by now, the WHO Director-General has declared the global COVID-19 outbreak to be a pandemic, meaning it is an epidemic which has spread across multiple continents. This page will inform you of the steps Extivita is taking to minimize the spread of...

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Hyperbaric Application to COVID-19 Pulmonary Infection

Hyperbaric Application to COVID-19 Pulmonary Infection

In the midst of the corona virus epidemic/pandemic it bears remembering the application of hyperbaric oxygen therapy to the last major pandemic that impacted the United States in 1918, the Spanish Flu Pandemic. Death was primarily by pulmonary infection and its...

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Oxygen Therapy working for coronavirus (COVID-19)

Oxygen Therapy working for coronavirus (COVID-19)

South Korea states that oxygen therapy has been assisting with the recovery of a critically ill COVID-19 patient - COVID-19 is the new strain of the coronavirus, which has caused the 2020 worldwide pandemic. Jeong Eun-kyeong, director of Korea Centers for Disease...

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