The microcirculation is the business end of the cardiovascular system. It is in this branching network of microvessels that transport and exchange of heat, respiratory gases, nutrients, waste products, water and hormones occurs between blood and the body’s tissues (1,2).
Endothelial Function in Skin Microcirculation
Abstract: Cutaneous microcirculation is responsible for thermoregulatory exchange, excretion of several substances such as water and minerals and protection against external stressors such as heat and cold. Thus skin microcirculation plays a significant role in human...
Biomechanics of Microcirculation
Abstract: Microcirculation is composed of arterioles, capillaries, and venules, where the diameter of blood vessels varies approximately from 5 to 100 μm. The behavior of blood cells, including red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes), and...
The Human Microcirculation
Abstract: The microcirculation is responsible for orchestrating adjustments in vascular tone to match local tissue perfusion with oxygen demand. Beyond this metabolic dilation, the microvasculature plays a critical role in modulating vascular tone by endothelial...