Hypoxia, caused by disrupted vasculature and peripheral vasculopathies, is a key factor that limits dermal wound healing. Factors that can increase oxygen delivery to the regional tissue, such as supplemental oxygen, warmth, and sympathetic blockade, can accelerate healing. Clinical experience with adjunctive hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) in the treatment of chronic wounds have shown that wound hyperoxia may increase granulation tissue formation and accelerate wound contraction and secondary closure. However, HBOT is not applicable to all wound patients and may pose the risk of oxygen toxicity. Thus, the efficacy of topical oxygen treatment in an experimental setting using the pre-clinical model involving excisional dermal wound in pigs was assessed. Exposure of open dermal wounds to topical oxygen treatment increased tissue pO2 of superficial wound tissue. Repeated treatment accelerated wound closure. Histological studies revealed that the wounds benefited from the treatment. The oxygen treated wounds showed signs of improved angiogenesis and tissue oxygenation. Topically applied pure oxygen has the potential of benefiting some wound types. Further studies testing the potential of topical oxygen in pre-clinical and clinical settings are warranted.
Fries, Wallace, Roy, Kuppusamy, Bergdall, Gordillo, Melvin, Sen, (2005). Dermal excisional wound healing in pigs following treatment with topically applied pure oxygen. Mutation research, 2005 Nov;579(1-2):172-81. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16105672