Chris’s HBOT Experience
Chris’s HBOT Experience Overcoming PTSD and Embracing a Healthier Life with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy “I know that I’m getting more sleep and I know I have more energy. It’s manageable enough that I’m going to be running the 50th Marine Corps...Tim’s HBOT Experience
Tim’s HBOT Experience Transforming Life and Health with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy “The brain fog sort of lifted. I would say probably within the first five to ten dives, I noticed an improvement, just the general aches and pains that I have in my joints and...Simon’s HBOT Experience
“My pain level was so high that I used alcohol and pills, and anything else I could just to get past that. The number one thing that really struggles is your sleep. If your sleep struggles, you struggle. Period. I went got into the chamber for the first time on a whim. And that night I went back to the hotel room and slept 13 hours.”
“There’s an opportunity out there to get out of your sorrow, to get out of your pain, to get out of all the things. Hyperbarics really, really, really provided that for me.”
“We [vets] have a lot of injuries, and hyperbarics gets rid of inflammation. Hyperbarics literally changed my pain level and physical abilities.”
“The biggest thing hyperbarics did for me was give me confidence. Confidence that I don’t need the pills, I don’t need the alcohol, I don’t need to be a jerk to my kids. Hyperbarics gave me that opportunity because it made me start feeling better.”
“HBOT has given us the stepping stones. It’s going to enhance your life to make you enjoy the things that you have.”
“Hyperbarics really gave me my life back.”