Brain Damage
Brain damage is an injury that causes the deterioration or destruction of brain cells. Brain damage includes both Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), caused by an external force, and Acquired Brain Injury (ABI), occurring at the cellular level. The severity of damage can vary based on they type of injury, but can range from headaches, confusion, and memory problems, to more severe cognitive, behavioral, and physical disabilities.
Benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Brain Damage:

Increases Amount of Oxygen in the Blood
Stimulates development of new blood vessels from pre-existing vessels as well as the natural development of new blood vessels.

Reduces Inflammation & Swelling
Suppresses the cellular activity of the immune system which triggers swelling when an injury or damage to the body occurs. While this reaction is meant to start healing and protect from injury it can result in secondary injury, pain, and prolonged recovery time.

Preserves, Repairs, & Enhances Cellular Functions
Boosts cellular metabolism, promotes rapid cell reproduction, and enhances collagen synthesis. Collagen is a protein in connective tissues like skin.
Key Research on Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Brain Damage
Recent News on Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Brain Damage
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy benefits in concussion management
Many Oklahomans suffer from debilitating conditions resulting from head trauma. Brain injuries may result from active duty military service, sports activities, automobile accidents, and from a host of other traumatic events. State Rep. Jay Steagall (R-Yukon), chair of...
Fargo VA to offer hyperbaric oxygen therapy for vets as part of pilot program
Other four facilities in the program have a 100% success rate in helping brain wounds for veteransHEALING UNDER PRESSURE: HYPERBARIC OXYGEN THERAPY (HBOT) CLINICAL DEMONSTRATION EXPANDS TO TWO MORE SITESVeterans in South-Central Texas and Central Florida diagnosed...
Micheal Bear Clair HBOT Story
Michael Bear Clair is a former Professional wrestler and Nashville Session player and lifelong touring musician. He spent his teen years and adult life playing music for a living and playing with some of the biggest stars in the music industry including Steve Miller,...
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Additional Research
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Association Between Arterial Hyperoxia and Outcome in Subsets of Critical Illness: A Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis, and Meta-Regression of Cohort Studies.
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Beneficial effects of hyperbaric oxygen on edema in rat hippocampus following traumatic brain injury.
Abstract: Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy helps alleviate secondary injury following brain trauma [traumatic brain injury (TBI)], although the mechanisms remain unclear. In this study, we assessed recovery of post-TBI spatial learning and memory in rats using the...