Brain Damage
Brain damage is an injury that causes the deterioration or destruction of brain cells. Brain damage includes both Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), caused by an external force, and Acquired Brain Injury (ABI), occurring at the cellular level. The severity of damage can vary based on they type of injury, but can range from headaches, confusion, and memory problems, to more severe cognitive, behavioral, and physical disabilities.
Benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Brain Damage:

Increases Amount of Oxygen in the Blood
Stimulates development of new blood vessels from pre-existing vessels as well as the natural development of new blood vessels.

Reduces Inflammation & Swelling
Suppresses the cellular activity of the immune system which triggers swelling when an injury or damage to the body occurs. While this reaction is meant to start healing and protect from injury it can result in secondary injury, pain, and prolonged recovery time.

Preserves, Repairs, & Enhances Cellular Functions
Boosts cellular metabolism, promotes rapid cell reproduction, and enhances collagen synthesis. Collagen is a protein in connective tissues like skin.
Key Research on Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Brain Damage
Recent News on Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Brain Damage
Micheal Bear Clair HBOT Story
Michael Bear Clair is a former Professional wrestler and Nashville Session player and lifelong touring musician. He spent his teen years and adult life playing music for a living and playing with some of the biggest stars in the music industry including Steve Miller,...
New law gives veterans option to seek oxygen-based therapy for PTSD
North Carolina’s veterans gained another way to treat battlefield trauma. With Gov. Roy Cooper signing House Bill 50 into law, Veterans Administration physicians can treat veterans with post traumatic stress disorder or a traumatic brain injury with hyperbaric oxygen...
A new treatment could benefit vets with PTSD and brain injury, lawmakers want insurers to reimburse for it
Through the use of hyperbaric, oxygen-rich chambers, medical researchers have found a way to restore a significant amount of neurological function in brain tissue thought to be chronically damaged by stroke, traumatic injury, and metabolic disorder — even years after
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Additional Research
Testimonials from The Independence Fund Hyperbaric & Wellness Center
Veteran Tommy Reiman and Hall of Fame football player Joe Delamielleure share their experiences with HBOT and how it improved their quality of life.
Effects of hyperbaric oxygen on symptoms and quality of life among service members with persistent postconcussion symptoms: a randomized clinical trial.
Abstract: Improvement has been anecdotally observed in patients with persistent postconcussion symptoms (PCS) after mild traumatic brain injury following treatment with hyperbaric oxygen (HBO). The effectiveness of HBO as an adjunctive treatment for PCS is unknown to...
The ritual of hyperbaric oxygen and lessons for the treatment of persistent postconcussion symptoms in military personnel.
Abstract: Hoge, Jonas, , , , , , , (2015). The ritual of hyperbaric oxygen and lessons for the treatment of persistent postconcussion symptoms in military personnel. JAMA internal medicine, 2015 Jan;175(1):53-4.