Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
COPD affects more than 10 million persons in the United States, with Chronic Bronchitis accounting for approximately 75% of cases and emphysema accounting for the remaining 25%. The incidence, prevalence, and mortality rates of COPD increase with age and are higher in men, whites, and persons of lower socioeconomic status. Cigarette smoking remains the principal cause of disease in up to 90% of patients with chronic bronchitis and emphysema. However, only 15-20% of smokers develop COPD. Repeated exposure to air pollution, dust, or chemical fumes can also lead to the development of COPD, but the contribution of these factors appears to be minor compared with tobacco use.
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Periorbital emphysema after a wet chamber dive.
Abstract: Although periorbital emphysema (PE) is commonly associated with orbital fractures, it may develop without any fracture or significant trauma in circumstances such as post-surgery, infection, forceful nose blowing, sneezing, and weight lifting. We report on a...
Orbital Emphysema as a Rare Complication of Retina Surgery.
Abstract: Three patients with a history of previous pars-plana vitrectomy, 2 of them with perfluoropropane, and 1 with sulfur hexafluoride used, experienced eyelid swelling and pain after travelling to a higher altitude city. Gas was found in the orbit and periocular...
Partial retraction of Lawrence CHD, Chen IYD. The effect of scuba diving on airflow obstruction in divers with asthma. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2016 March;46(1):11-14.
Abstract: Consistent with the Committee on Publication Ethics guidelines, we the above authors are initiating a partial retraction of our paper: Lawrence CHD, Chen IYD. The effect of scuba diving on airflow obstruction in divers with asthma. Diving and Hyperbaric...