
Hyperbaric oxygen has been successfully used on treatment of acute ischemic injuries involving soft tissues and chronic injuries. In nerve crush injuries, the mechanisms involved are very similar to those found in ischemic injuries. Consequently, it is logical to hypothesize that hyperbaric oxygen should improve nerve repair, which is a critical step on functional recovery. In the present study, we created standard nerve crush injuries on sciatic nerves of rats, which underwent treatment with hyperbaric oxygen. Results were assessed by functional evaluation using walking-track analysis. The functional recovery indexes observed did not differ from control group. We concluded that hyperbaric oxygen therapy, in the schedule used, had no influence on functional recovery after nerve crush injuries.

Tuma Júnior, Dias, Arrunátegui, Duarte, Wada, Cunha, Ferreira, , (). Effect of hyperbaric oxygen on the regeneration of experimental crush injuries of nerves. Revista do Hospital das Clinicas, ;54(3):81-4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10668277