Fournier’s gangrene is a genital and perineal necrotizing fascitiis with a rapid evolution. It’s an affection caused by aerobic and anaerobic micro-organisms, eventually associated with a superinfection by micetes. It has characterised by a deep oedema associated with lancinating pain and itching in external genitalia, rapidly evolves to perineal tissues necrosis and purulence. At this stadium patient’s general conditions are still serious and patient may be comatose. When toxaemia is over, demarcation of necrotic areas can be remarkable and granulation start growing. Fournier’s gangrene seems to be related to an ischemic necrosis caused by obliterative endoarteritis and thrombosis of internal pudendal and deep and superficial external pudendal artery. The infection gateway may be subcutaneous tissue lesion associated to trauma or surgical procedures in immunodeficient organism. Diagnosis is mainly clinical but a superficial ecography could be useful to demonstrate thickening in subcutaneous tissue with normal testicles. Both of them were middle aged males, heavy smokers, affected by hypertension and COPD. In both cases there was polymicrobial Gram positive bacterial infection. Antibiotic systemic therapy and topic therapy were administered. The patient also received hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Thirteen days after the admittance, the infection was defeated and we could start the surgical cover. To cover the scrotal wound we have used split-thickness skin grafts taken from the right thigh. These grafts took at 100% and the patient was discharged seven days after surgical operations. Follow-up at six months and at one year showed any functional limitation and a good aesthetic result.
Verna, Fava, Baglioni, Cannatà, Devalle, Fraccalvieri, , , (2004). [Fournier’s gangrene: remarks on two clinical cases]. Annales de chirurgie plastique et esthetique, 2004 Feb;49(1):37-42. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15013533