The clinical use of hyperbaric oxygen in the treatment of Danish patients with diabetic foot ulcers.

Patients with diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) suffer from diabetes-related complications and comor-bidities. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a treatment modality with limited capacity used in the treatment of DFUs. It is important to ensure that HBOT is offered to patients who are suitable for this treatment regarding effect, compliance and life expectancy. The objective of the present study was to describe the population of patients with DFU who were referred to HBOT in Denmark in the 1999-2016 period. All patients with DFU who were treated at the HBOT chamber in Copenhagen during the study period were considered. Patients with an invalid social security number or an incorrect diagnosis were excluded. Data on comor-bidities, amputation and death were extracted from the Danish National patient Registry and the Danish Civil Registration System.

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Vitamin C for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension

Abstract It is suggested that supplementation of vitamin C reduces hyperglycemia and lowers blood pressure in hypertensives by enhacing the formation of prostaglandin E1 (PGE1), PGI2 (prostacyclin), endothelial nitric oxide (eNO), and restore essential fatty acid...

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Textbook of Traumatic Brain Injury

Despite the increased public awareness of traumatic brain injury (TBI), the complexities of the neuropsychiatric, neuropsychological, neurological, and other physical consequences of TBI of all severities across the lifespan remain incompletely understood by patients,...

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