Unlocking a cure for carbon monoxide poisoning
Promising results suggest a novel treatment could rapidly clear carbon monoxide from the blood Date: April 29, 2022 Source: University of California - Santa Cruz Summary: Treatment options are limited for those suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning. Researchers...
Can Hyperbaric Oxygen Heal Your Brain?
Research supports hyperbaric oxygen therapy as a treatment for mild brain injuries and Alzheimers disease, but it remains controversial as a treatment for autism.(Nakleyka/Shuttertock) A new study shows promising results for this alternative treatment BY JENNIFER...
In a recent study published in Cancer Cell, researchers in Colorado found that leukemia cells may hijack glucose metabolism to soak up as much energy as they need to rapidly grow and divide. In doing so, they also deprive healthy tissues of glucose. Leukemia cells...
MS treatment gives author new life, energy to start second book
With cautious optimism, Delaney Parker walked into the Stram Center back in December to start new treatments for multiple sclerosis (MS). “I didn’t have expectations, especially not what’s happening...
Systematic Review and Dosage Analysis: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Efficacy in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Persistent Postconcussion Syndrome
Background: Mild traumatic brain injury results in over 15% of patients progressing to Persistent Postconcussion Syndrome, a condition with significant consequences and limited treatment options. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been applied to Persistent Postconcussion...
Israeli study: oxygen therapy working for PTSD
OXYGEN therapy can dramatically reduce post-traumatic stress disorder, according to a world-first Israeli study on Israel Defense Force veterans, during which half the subjects made such good progress they were no longer deemed to have PTSD. The Tel Aviv...
Israeli Study of IDF veterans shows oxygen therapy reduces PTSD symptoms
Clinical example of functional brain imaging by fMRI. The reduced brain activity in the frontal lobes of the brain and in hippocampus is improved after Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy . Credit: Shamir Medical Center Israeli scientists have found that...
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy improves symptoms, brain’s microstructure and functionality in veterans with treatment resistant post-traumatic stress disorder: A prospective, randomized, controlled trial
Abstract Introduction Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is characterized by changes in both brain activity and microstructural integrity. Cumulative evidence demonstrates that hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) induces neuroplasticity and case-series studies...
Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on Mitochondrial Respiration and Physical Performance in Middle-Aged Athletes: A Blinded, Randomized Controlled Trial
Abstract Introduction Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has been used to increase endurance performance but has yet to be evaluated in placebo-controlled clinical trials. The current study aimed to evaluate the effect of an intermittent HBOT protocol on maximal...