Hyperbaric Oxygenation for Lyme Vasculitis

Purpose It is the purpose of this paper to demonstrate the positive effects of hyperbaric oxygenation on severe encephalopathy occurring in Lyme Disease as a synergistic treatment with antibiotics. Summary Lyme disease is a tick-borne disease caused by a Borrelia...

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Integrative Approaches to Treat Migraine Headaches

The past 10 months have been a headache and, in anticipation of the long, trying winter weeks ahead, we are addressing a concern specific to an estimated 20% of the American population: migraine headaches. In fact, because they are often misdiagnosed, the percentage...

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Overview of the Immune System

Function The overall function of the immune system is to prevent or limit infection. An example of this principle is found in immune-compromised people, including those with genetic immune disorders, immune-debilitating infections like HIV, and even pregnant women,...

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How the Aging Brain Affects Thinking

The brain controls many aspects of thinking — remembering, planning and organizing, making decisions, and much more. These cognitive abilities affect how well we do everyday tasks and whether we can live independently. Some changes in thinking are common as people get...

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