We investigated the distribution of the broad-spectrum antibiotic fosfomycin in infected soft tissue of patients with uncomplicated cellulitis of the lower extremities or diabetic foot infection using in vivo microdialysis. Our findings suggest that fosfomycin exhibits good and similar penetration into the fluid in the interstitial space in inflamed and noninflamed soft tissue in patients.
Legat, Maier, Dittrich, Zenahlik, Kern, Nuhsbaumer, Frossard, Salmhofer, (2003). Penetration of fosfomycin into inflammatory lesions in patients with cellulitis or diabetic foot syndrome. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 2003 Jan;47(1):371-4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12499216