Billy’s HBOT Experience

A Journey from Skepticism to Healing through Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

 “So far after 36 dives, there’s a lot of things that are getting better. Neuropathy, starting to get a little bit of feeling back. The arthritis in my knuckles, I mean just way better. My shoulders that I thought was going to have to have surgery on are getting better.”

Billy’s journey from skepticism to advocacy for hyperbaric oxygen therapy underscores the transformative impact of the treatment on his physical and psychological well-being, urging fellow veterans to consider this path for their own healing.


Before undergoing HBOT, Billy experienced diminished sensation, a common symptom of neuropathy, which affected his ability to feel touch. Remarkably, after several HBOT sessions, he began to notice a return of sensation, particularly a poignant moment when he could feel his wife’s hand for the first time in years. This improvement in sensory feedback marked a significant milestone in his recovery, highlighting the therapy’s effectiveness in repairing nerve damage.

Hypervigilance and PTSD

One of the most transformative effects of HBOT for Billy was on his mental health, particularly his hypervigilance and PTSD. He reported feeling more calm and focused after undergoing the therapy, which suggests a significant reduction in the anxiety and stress responses that fuel hypervigilance and PTSD. This improvement in mental well-being is crucial for individuals like Billy, who experienced difficulty interacting in public settings due to their heightened state of alertness.


While Billy’s testimonial doesn’t explicitly mention changes in his hypertension following HBOT, the therapy’s role in promoting vascular health and improving circulation could indirectly benefit blood pressure regulation. Increased oxygenation may aid in vascular dilation and improved endothelial function, which are beneficial for managing hypertension.


Although Billy does not detail the direct effects of HBOT on his diabetes, the therapy is known to enhance wound healing and reduce infection risks by increasing oxygen supply to tissues, potentially offering benefits to individuals managing diabetes-related complications.