Laura & Jon’s HBOT Experience

“From before we started hyperbaric [oxygen] to now, is black or white. It’s two different phases of his healing. Before it was dark and now we are in light. There is hope. Every day is healing.

Jon has improved on every level that the doctors said he would never improve on.”

Kristyn’s HBOT Experience

“I had carbon monoxide poisoning and it really affected my memory, mainly my short term memory. When I was in the hospital I had three treatments, that’s all insurance would pay for.
My mom thought more treatments would be helpful and a nurse at the hospital recommended Extivita. Its helping my memory.
Those around me say they notice a difference, so that makes me feel positive about it.”

Justin’s HBOT Experience

Justin’s HBOT Experience A Testament to Transformation and Hope through Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy “I think the cognitive gains from HBOT are what stood out the most to me. After a couple of dozen dives, I think I began to improve in terms of word finding,...

Josh’s HBOT Experience

Josh’s HBOT Experience Finding Relief and Renewal through Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy “The processing part, you know, the brain fog has lifted. And I continue to feel better about that communication with my kids and my wife. I mean, that’s huge because...

John’s HBOT Experience

“The neurologists that I’ve seen haven’t been able to do anything concrete for me to deal with the root of the problem, just prescribe different medications to deal with some of the symptoms. If you don’t deal with the root of the problem it just continues to grow in severity and you require more medications to deal with the symptoms.”

“Initially I did three dives over a two day period and immediately I started to see some different results that I had not seen before. Within a few hours I felt this sense of clarity and lack of pain which was really a welcome change for sure.”

“After going through HBOT I have been able to look at technology (screens) for a longer period of time without getting a headache.”