Eugene’s HBOT Experience

Eugene’s HBOT Experience Finding Relief from Anxiety and Pain through Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy “The anger issues that I have, they’ve abated quite a bit since then. So it makes life a little easier for not only me, but my wife, because I’m her...

Dan’s HBOT Experience

“I just completed what I think was the best thing that I’ve ever done in my life. With PTSD, you you don’t have clarity of mind. I can’t tell you how great that feels when you didn’t have it all your life and all of a sudden you just your whole mind, everything improves. When I left there, I just seem to be a new person. I don’t have the rage anymore.”

“Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a wonderful thing. It’s noninvasive. They put you in a chamber you breathe in 100% Oxygen kind of changes your life. It did me.”

“So many Vets that have TBI don’t know about this and the story needs to be told and instead of some doctor giving you a pill, to confusion you even more. They need to start recommending this and I hope they do!”

Carrie’s HBOT Experience

“About a year ago I took my first HBOT treatment and it changed my life forever.

Every morning I’d wake up and I’d have arthritis and my elbows would hurt and my feet would hurt and knees would hurt. I had a lot of aches and pains. It just seemed like my body wasn’t keeping up.

With HBOT, I’m running on all eight cylinders. I noticed a difference in my energy level, I also noticed that the biggest thing was that I didn’t hurt anymore. My muscles weren’t sore, my arthritis was gone.”

Bryce’s HBOT Experience

“He would play for 15 minutes and he was exhausted and there were several times where he would miss games and missed a tremendous amount of school.”

“We feel like we got the old Bryce back, he’s not hindered by anything anymore. Hyperbaric Oxygen has definitely changed our lives and our sons. It’s such a relief as a parent to be able to see your child just perform and do all of the things he loves to do. And for us it doesn’t feel like this ticking time bomb that he’s on all this heavy medication. “

Billy’s HBOT Experience

Billy’s HBOT Experience A Journey from Skepticism to Healing through Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy  “So far after 36 dives, there’s a lot of things that are getting better. Neuropathy, starting to get a little bit of feeling back. The...