Eurydice’s HBOT Experience

Eurydice’s HBOT Experience Gaining Clarity and Healing through Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy “Not just revitalizing my brain but getting that clarity is also helping my heart to heal, and I’m grateful for that.” Eurydice Stanley’s journey with...

Eugene’s HBOT Experience

Eugene’s HBOT Experience Finding Relief from Anxiety and Pain through Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy “The anger issues that I have, they’ve abated quite a bit since then. So it makes life a little easier for not only me, but my wife, because I’m her...

Dan’s HBOT Experience

“I just completed what I think was the best thing that I’ve ever done in my life. With PTSD, you you don’t have clarity of mind. I can’t tell you how great that feels when you didn’t have it all your life and all of a sudden you just your whole mind, everything improves. When I left there, I just seem to be a new person. I don’t have the rage anymore.”

“Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a wonderful thing. It’s noninvasive. They put you in a chamber you breathe in 100% Oxygen kind of changes your life. It did me.”

“So many Vets that have TBI don’t know about this and the story needs to be told and instead of some doctor giving you a pill, to confusion you even more. They need to start recommending this and I hope they do!”

Colin’s HBOT Experience

Colin’s HBOT Experience A Journey of Progress with HBOT and Neurofeedback “Since we started doing both HBOT and Neurofeedback, he doesn’t cry anymore in therapy. His focus, his attention, it’s easier for him to follow directions.” Colin...