William’s HBOT Experience

Finding Clarity and Calm through
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

“What I started noticing almost right from the beginning was a better mood, more energy. His communication was getting better.
His thinking was getting better.”

William Prince, a Vietnam veteran and former Army artillery specialist, served in combat before being honorably discharged. His wife, Shirley Prince, has witnessed firsthand the long-term effects of his service, including mood swings, anxiety, PTSD symptoms, and cognitive decline. Over the years, his struggles intensified, impacting his quality of life and communication.

Improved Mood and Energy

Early in the treatment, Shirley noticed that William’s mood became more positive, and he had more energy throughout the day. This change made daily life more enjoyable for both of them.

Better Communication and Cognition

One of the most noticeable improvements was William’s ability to communicate more clearly. His thinking became sharper, allowing him to engage in conversations with less difficulty. Friends and family saw a major change, with one close friend even brought to tears by the improvement in his demeanor.

Reduced Anxiety and PTSD Symptoms

William became noticeably more relaxed and less anxious. Family members found him easier to be around, and he seemed much more at ease in everyday situations. While not a complete transformation, the improvement was significant and meaningful.

Long-Term Maintenance Plan

After completing 40 dives, Shirley noticed the most substantial improvements around session 30. To maintain these benefits, they opted for an additional 20 sessions, spreading them out over time rather than doing them back-to-back to avoid exhaustion. They also plan to continue treatment as needed.