Kemar Roofe begins a Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy session (Image: Daily Record)
The striker is out for two crucial games this week but he’s doing everything he can to get back. Rangers star Kemar Roofe is leaving no stone unturned to speed up his injury comeback as he stepped into a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. He’s pulling out all the stops to get back fit as soon as possible after he climbed into the futuristic machine at a local chemist.
Hyperbaric oxygen chambers increase air pressure by two to three times, allowing the lungs to take in far more oxygen than usual and helping to repair body tissue.
And Glasgow-based Dickson Chemist allowed Roofe to use their equipment as he posted on Instagram: “Trying to find another 1%. Thank you to Dickson Chemist for helping with your Hyperbaric Chamber.”
Article Cited by DAILY RECORD